# Just ![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/justjs.svg?style=flat-square) just circle logo Just is a _simple_, and _modern_ runtime for **JavaScript** that uses V8 and is built in Rust. ### Features - Use your preferred import style. Local, web, package. - Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled. - Useful and extensive [built-in](https://justjs.dev/docs/tools) utilities. - Includes a set of standard modules for [Just](https://justjs.dev/r/std). ### Install Shell (Mac, Linux): ```sh curl -fsSL https://justjs.dev/install.sh | sh ``` PowerShell (Windows): ```powershell irm https://justjs.dev/install.ps1 | iex ``` [Homebrew](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/justjs) (Mac): ```sh brew install justjs ``` [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages/justjs) (Windows): ```powershell choco install justjs ``` [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/) (Windows): ```powershell scoop install justjs ``` Build and install from source using [Cargo](https://crates.io/crates/justjs): ```sh cargo install justjs --locked ``` ### Getting Started Try running a simple program: ```sh $ just run https://justjs.dev/r/std/examples/welcome.js # or the direct source link $ just run https://r.justjs.dev/source/std/0.0.4/examples/welcome.js ``` Or a more complex one: ```js import { cmd } from 'just/sys'; import { random } from 'just/crypto'; import { Database } from 'just/db:sqlite'; const db = new Database('db_name'); db.create('versions', 'id text primary key, version text'); await cmd.spawn('just -v').then((output) => { db.insert('versions', { id: random.secure(), version: output }); }); console.json(db.query('versions', "where version = '%s'".format(cmd.exec('just -v'))), true); db.delete('versions', ''); ``` Just package registry can be located [here](https://justjs.dev/r/) ([api](https://r.justjs.dev)). You can find a deeper introduction, examples, and environment setup guides in the [docs](https://justjs.dev/docs). The complete API reference is available at the runtime [documentation](https://justjs.dev/docs/api).